We are half way through 2020 and what a half we have all been through! I wonder what the next 6 months will bring? Let’s hope for some positive, upbeat, fun times ahead with everyone being healthy and happy. That being said, let’s take a peak into what July is looking like!

The card for July 2020 is the King of Cups from the Circle of Life Tarot.

When I first looked at the picture, I smiled as whole card depicts how we are all feeling – bored, fed up, waiting to do something. The King is sitting on his throne, holding a glass of wine in one hand, resting the stem of the glass on his knee. His other hand is cradling one side of his head, with his elbow using the arm of the chair to stabilize. He looks sleepy but not tired. There are two winged beings behind him, one hugging himself and the other crouched, both facing away from the King. There is a dog curled in his bed beside the King’s feet, also looking bored. Interestingly there is what appears to be numbers on the side of the chair, partially covered by the angel wings adorning his throne. It reminds me of a game of bingo; hoping all the numbers on the card get announced….’House!’


I sense more of the same, repetitive days and weeks, until governments can get the go-ahead to allow people to begin some sense of normalcy again. The King is suggesting us to be patient, as hard as it is.

Another sad situation has been prevalent in the news is all the unrest in cities across the world with regards to BLM, tearing down statues, protests getting heated, trying to abolish history etc… The King of Cups is reminding us to take on a more mature approach with our emotions. The Cups suit in tarot do tend to sway toward love, but there are a plethora of others including:- anger, hate, jealously, joy, happiness, regret and excitement. Whatever you are feeling, take a moment and ask yourself, does this ‘feeling’ warrant my reaction? Again, emotional maturity is required. Small, positive steps made by everyone can make such a difference.

Let us look at what we can do under the guidance of the King of of Cups this month. Perhaps look at this time to do things you love or will love when it is completed. You don’t want to look back in a few months wishing you hadn’t wasted time because you ‘should have done x, y, and z’ when you had the opportunity. The final piece of advice for this month is to stay true to your morals and values and don’t let anyone try to steer you elsewhere.