The Page of Wands

Hello September 2023

Welcome to the first of the four ‘bers’ of 2024 – September

I hope you had an amazing August. I’ve been busy getting my 2024 Tarot Journal and Planner ready for launch on Amazon….exciting! Apart from that, two of our dogs had their teeth cleaned, and our Cocker Spaniel had a stye removed from her eye lid and has the cone of shame on for another 12 days. Our youngest has started her final year of High School which seems ridiculous and makes me feel really old!

The card we have guiding us this September is The Page of Wands.

Let’s leave the 9 of Swords in August – lots of mental energy carving through information which can be exhausting. Well worth doing but tiring. I hope you managed to put some closures where they ought to be, so you have some space for some new more exciting projects. Speaking of which…. a burst of different energy has arrived.

What does the Page of Wands mean for the collective this month?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Whatever you do today, do it with all the confidence of a 4-year-old in a Batman shirt” – this reminds me of the Page of Wands.

If there’s a deep yearning within you to embark on something new, don’t hesitate any longer. Don’t worry about finding the perfect timing or having enough money. Take the leap and embrace the unknown. The time is now to fulfill your desires!

Nothing new on the horizon? Don’t be surprised if the va va voom reappears for a long-forgotten hobby or passion.

All the Pages can represent a new path or beginning, and this one is no exception. This could be a new relationship, job, or creative endeavor. You may feel that you have itchy feet and want to go out and explore, like going to sporting venue, trying out a new hiking trail, going to the newly opened restaurant, or even traveling to a country to learn about a different culture. You could also decide to go on a personal journey of self-discovery.

Going back to the beginning of this blog about confidence and Batman, the Page of Wands energy exudes self-confidence, is fearless and doesn’t even think about the ‘what ifs’ or buts…

Their motto – “go for it!” It doesn’t matter if there is a stumble or a face plant, they get up shake it off and keep going. Being adults, we certainly worry far too much about how we look or come across to others, and get made fun of if we mess up… well, “insert swear word of choice” and end with “it.” The other noticeable element is the ‘fun’ aspect. Get dirty, do some painting and get colors all over your shirt, get sweaty in a 100 degree yoga class, because guess what? You may enjoy yourself! Another lesson from the kids – have fun, laugh and play.

There is also an element about learning with the Pages. Find a topic that you want to learn more about this month. Maybe taking up photography, learn how to create the swirly icing on top of cupcakes, even start up a small business selling your art, join an animal rescue center and offer to take the dogs out for a walk. Something that gets your heart pumping and body moving.

Embrace this month as trying something new and having fun. We could all do with a little excitement and positivity in our lives. Use the Page of Wands as your excuse to just do it.

Whatever September brings for you, enjoy it, have fun and I will see you next month!

As always, stay magical!

Claire xo