Ace of Pentacles

And there goes January….in a flash!

I hope you had a great start to 2023.  Unfortunately we lost my husband’s wonderful Grandma on the 12th.  The funeral service was lovely, and it was good to see all the family, although under such sad circumstances.  The rest of the month was filled with both my husband and me having a cold and cough…not COVID thank goodness!

So what is February going to offer?

Following the Knight of Pentacles, we have the Ace of the same suit for the month ahead.

Did your healthy eating, new exercise plan or being kinder to yourself resolution get stalled last month?  Mine certainly did.  This card is telling us, we can start now.  Forget the actual date of ‘1 Jan’ as the only time to start anything brand new. Instead, take the opportunity to pick a date this month to start. You have a good chance of sticking with it, no matter what you choose to do to make your life a little better.

The Ace of Pentacles can often signify money coming in, whether in the form of a new job, promotion, investment, inheritance or even a win! Keep a positive outlook on anything to do with money, health, lifestyle or the home. Perhaps we should be be spring cleaning all areas of life to make room for whatever the Universe wants to offer.

Any Ace is the purest of it’s suit, so if you are wanting to manifest anything material, a new home, car or even a job, then ask the Universe for its help.

You may find a bargain or two in the shops or something for a low interest rate, which then becomes worth buying! You may even consider adding to your family, by means of a pet – a new, fun, furry or not so furry animal to love. If you meet someone new, not necessarily a partner, but could be… you may find that you have a lot of hobbies in common, and enjoy a steady, grounded friendship.

I’ll be taking a well earned (well I think rest, for a few days in Cozumel this month. Maybe I will discover a new hobby or make friends there! I’ll let you know.

Have a wonderful February, and I will see you next month!

Stay magical!