Welcome to October, my favorite month of the year!
Not just because it’s my birthday month, and Halloween but more importantly Breast Cancer awareness month. I was diagnosed with BC in October 2014 and 6 weeks later had a double mastectomy.
Please practice a monthly self-check. If you have any lumps or bumps, please get them checked out. I still have the letter stating my mammogram was ‘clear,’ but decided to get a second opinion. Good job I did. The earlier BC is diagnosed, the better the chances for survival.
We have yet another Pentacle for October 2021. This time the 7 of Pentacles.
There could be a little frustration this month, but patience is needed as indications show that all the hard work will pay off. Don’t let previous mistakes creep back into your mind, as those experiences have got you to where you are now. Take time to reflect on how far you have come and continue looking forward. A good month to continue to invest in your future, be it financially, learning, or healthy eating.
Steady wins the race in October.
Have a great month!
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