Hello October! This is my favorite month of the year! Well, I suppose because it contains my birthday and of course Halloween is on the last day.

This is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I have a very close affiliation to this as I was diagnosed with BC 6 years ago, in October 2014. Since then my Mother-in-Law and a couple of friends have also been diagnosed and treated. When you go through a serious disease, or illness you definitely have a new perspective on life. You discover an inner strength that you didn’t realize you had.

This brings me nicely onto October’s Card of the Month – Strength

Although tempting in many cases, it is easy to shout and impose your plans and ideas onto others, but this month we are called to take a different approach. Strength is encouraging us all to be a little more tolerant, accepting and use a little more restraint.

To establish and make longer term commitments, it is often wise to play the long game. Just because you didn’t get what you wanted today, doesn’t mean you won’t get it at all. Use your inner strength, choose your words and actions from an inner calm, a quiet determination with an underlying assertiveness, and could well get you further than you think.

Some of us may be facing a trying time, and we can dig into that inner strength; to be brave, have the courage to see this time through and the determination to succeed.

2020 has been an extremely tough year on the majority of people, we still need to remember we are all human, have good days and bad, but those bad days will become a distant memory. The power we have within us to be kind, tolerant and accepting of others is still in there…we just need to remember to use it.