What do we have in store for June 2021?

Although the world is beginning to open up (in most cases) the Queen of Pentacles reminds us not to rush out and be impulsive, or act before thinking. Yes, it may sound boring and very sensible, but it is good advice.

Being in awe and in tune with nature, what goodies the planet provides us in our own surroundings perhaps should be our first visit; for this Queen is the closest to Mother Nature. Stepping out and appreciating where you live, coming out of a strange feeling of hibernation; seeing and hearing things with fresh eyes and ears, taking in your neighborhood using all your senses. Begin seeing friends and enjoying the catch-up with them.

There is no rush with this Queen. It is all about making plans in a slow, considered way. Taking deliberate action, wear the mask if asked to, even if you have been vaccinated, no need to get fired up and stressed about it.

This month, stretch your legs, go for walks, hikes, get into nature and enjoy the warmer weather. Be kind and understanding to yourself and your family, treat them all to something grounding and nourishing. Take a delicious picnic to a park, bring the furbabies along, let the kids run around and play, don’t forget the sunscreen!

Although we feel like revving the engine and go exploring at 100mph, put the brakes on just for this month while the world is shifting, feeling her way into a rhythm of the new normal. There is plenty of time to go bonkers later on.

Have a wonderful, safe and happy June.