Happy April’s Fools Day!

I wonder if we will spot the April Fools jokes played on the TV or radio today?

The card for the month of April is the 8 of Cups. Following on from last month, the vaccines for COVID-19 are continued to being administered. I know people here in the USA, the United Kingdom among all the countries can’t wait to be able to go out, travel and see their friends, family and begin living again. In the UK, which has been on a very strict lockdown, I know that the world is starting to open up this month, its citizens gaining a little freedom to start with, and building on from there.

What are some holidays and observances going on in April? We have Easter this weekend, four Jewish holidays, and Ramadan. Also coming up is National Earth Day (USA), St George’s Day (England), Shakespeare Day (UK), and National Tartan Day in Canada.

As mentioned, the card for this month is the 8 of Cups. The picture in this card shows a guy with his walking stick moving away from 8 cups that are behind him. He is leaving something he loves behind to go off and find what is missing. I feel this is so relevant for this month. Many of us will start to leave the homes that we love but we are longing to stretch our legs, explore the outside and meet up with people once again.

Have a happy and safe April. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.